Welcome to FCS; a high-end online sneaker boutique specializing in the selling of collectible and unique sneakers. FCS is first and foremost a store by sneakerheads for sneakerheads.
We understand the frustration that accompanies a missed or sold-out sneaker release and the irritation that comes with a pair of impossible-to-find sneakers, that’s why FCS was born. Whether they be that perfect pair for your collection or an investable pair to hold on to, it is our goal to help you find your must-have sneakers.
FCS wants our customers—after spending hours searching through potential releases—to know that they can come to us with the knowledge that we’ll have their size and pair available at the click of a button. we are providing an exceptional selection of rare and desirable vintage sneakers that would normally be found in a distant retail location or in an auction based setting.
The days of camping outside a store for a release are long over—from now on FCS is your consultant in the industry.
Stop by our Rockaway retail location at 252-18 Rockaway Blvd, Rosedale, NY 11422 between the hours of 10:00 AM and 7:30 PM.
Our new Deer Park Location just opened! Stop by and show some love 1917 Deer Park Ave, Deer Park, NY.